CIDG-led operation nets Abu bandit wanted for kidnapping Americans

December 17, 2023 Alfred P. Dalizon 198 views

PHILIPPINE National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group director Maj. Gen. Romeo M. Caramat Jr. yesterday announced the capture on Tuesday of a most wanted Abu Sayyaf bandit wanted for kidnapping an American teenager and her mother and cousin in 2011 during a counter-terror operation in Lamitan City, Basilan.

In a report to PNP chief Gen. Benjamin C. Acorda Jr., the official identified the suspect as Gerry Mapula Abing alias “Kudri Pegging/Abing,” a 31-year-old resident of Bgy. Malo-ong San Jose in Lamitan City.

Armed with a search warrant for illegal possession of firearms and explosives issued by Isabela City Regional Trial Court Judge Verna Kate Santos, members of the Basilan CIDG led a raid at the suspect’s place.

“This is part of our intensified campaign against terrorism, particularly in accounting for most wanted terror suspects and their weapons as ordered by Gen. Acorda,” said the PNP-CIDG director.

Caramat said that recovered during the search were one cal. .45 semi-automatic pistol with magazine containing six live ammunition and a hand grenade.

He described the accused as a member of the ASG under the late Basilan-based senior ASG commander Furuji Indama.

“He is currently no. 90 on the watch-listed personalities of the PNP and the AFP during the 4th quarter of year 2023. His image is also included in the posters of most wanted ASG terrorists,” said the official.

Records showed that the suspect was charged in connection with his role in the kidnapping of then 14-year-old American national Kevin Lunsmann in Zamboanga City on July 12, 2011.

The victim was held captive for five months in the jungles of Basilan but eventually outsmarted his guards and escaped. He wandered through the jungle for nearly two days, roaming without shoes until local villagers found and turned him over to authorities.

Prior to his escape, Lunsmann’s Filipino-American mother Gerfa Yeats Lunsmann was freed by their captors after being held for more than two months.

The Abu Sayyaf held on to Kevin and her mother’s Filipino nephew, Romnick Jakaria, who also managed to escape from captivity.