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Coronavirus: Latest global developments

October 30, 2021 People's Tonight 220 views

PARIS (AFP) – Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis:

Billions needed for Covid plan

The World Health Organization says its new plan to secure and deploy vaccines, tests and treatments to combat the Covid-19 pandemic and potentially prevent another five million deaths needs $23.4 billion over the next 12 months.

New Russian records

Russia reports record numbers of daily coronavirus cases and deaths — 40,096 new cases and 1,159 fatalities — as Moscow shuts down non-essential services for 11 days to combat the surge in infections.

And in Ukraine

The mayor of Ukraine’s capital Kiev imposes new coronavirus restrictions, including a health pass for public transport and venues, as Russia’s neighbour also reports record daily cases.

Delta slows US growth

The US economic expansion slowed dramatically in the third quarter to an annual rate of just two percent as consumer spending was choked by the spread of the Delta variant of Covid-19 and renewed restrictions, the government says.

Eurozone recovering ‘strongly’

The European Central Bank maintains its massive stimulus programme and says the eurozone “continues to recover strongly” from the coronavirus pandemic but is under pressure from supply shortages.

Third Chinese city under lockdown

China places a third city under lockdown to tackle Covid-19 numbers, with around six million people now under orders to stay home as Beijing chases zero cases before the upcoming Winter Olympics.

Africa faces syringe shortage

Africa’s struggle to inoculate people against Covid-19 risks being hobbled by a shortage of syringes just as supplies of vaccines flood into the continent, the WHO says.

COVID drives down migration

The flow of immigrants to developed countries fell at its fastest pace ever of more than 30 percent at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic last year, the OECD says in its annual migration report.

Hungary: move to impose jabs

The Hungarian government says companies can oblige personnel to be vaccinated against Covid-19, on pain of being suspended without pay and eventually fired, as the number of cases spirals. Over 4.9 million dead

The coronavirus has killed at least 4,969,926 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP on Thursday.

The US has suffered the most Covid-related deaths with 741,235, followed by Brazil with 606,679, India with 456,386, Mexico with 287,274 and Russia 235,057.

Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were United States with 2,459, followed by Russia with 1,159 and India 733.

Taking into account excess mortality directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19, the WHO estimates the overall death toll could be two to three times higher.