Gun Powder Milkshake

Review of hard hitting empowered women action film ‘Gunpowder Milkshake’

August 10, 2021 Mario Bautista 707 views

GUNPOWDER Milkshake’ is an action flick that celebrates woman power as its courageous and gutsy lead stars are all females, led by Karen Gillan (Nebula in “Guardians of the Galaxy” & “Avengers”, “Jumanji”) and with Lena Headey (“Game of Thrones”), Michelle Yeoh (“Crazy Rich Asians”), Angela Bassett (“Black Panther”) and Carla Gugino (“Spy Kids”) supporting her.

A young girl is also another major character, Emily (Chloe Coleman), and they all get to kick the asses of all the evil men in the movie. Karen plays Samantha or Sam. She’s only 12 years when the film starts in a flashback scene in a diner.

She’s waiting for her mother, Scarlet (Lena), who came late. Scarlet is a gun-for-hire and some armed men arrive to liquidate her but, instead, she kills them all. She leaves Sam in a hurry and Sam never gets to see her again.

Cut to the present. Sam is now working as a hired killer for The Firm, the same company where her mom used to work. Her contact is Nathan (Paul Giamatti), head of The Firm’s human relations department. She just came from a job where she kills the son of the boss of a big crime Lord, Jim MacAlister (Ralph Ineson.)

She’s now given a new assignment: to kill a man who robbed The Firm and get back all the money he stole. To get new arms for her latest job, she goes to a library that is actually an ammunitions shop. She meets her mom’s former colleagues: Anna May (Angela), Madeline (Carla) and Florence (Michelle.)

Sam tracks down her target in a hotel room and gets to kill the man, but she learns that he stole the money only because he’ll use it to ransom his daughter, Emily, who was kidnapped by some bad guys who are now waiting for him to deliver the money in a bowling alley.

Sam says she herself will go to the bowling alley and when Nathan learns about this, he orders three thugs to intercept and kill her then get the money from her.

This starts the big action scenes in the movie, culminating in a big climactic shoot out with all the women confronting an entire army of bad guys led by the vengeful crime lord, Jim MacAlister, who is hellbent in attacking the women in their library fortress and later, in a diner.

The film has well crafted hard action set pieces with touches of comedy. One hilarious scene is a car chase in a parking garage where Sam puts Emily on her lap to drive the car while she’s shooting it out with the pursuing gunmen. The film features three generation of women, who have to unite despite their personal differences, in order to survive the imminent threat on their lives.

Just don’t take the film too seriously, as the very title of the film itself indicates, or you might find the action and comedy scenes a crazily bit over the top. Director Navot Papushado’s cartoonish flourishes can sometimes seem as unreal as video.

This is true specially in that slapstick scene in the clinic where the bad guys seem to have imbibed laughing gas and they just keep on laughing. Sam, in turn, gets paralyzed and has to fight them with a gun and knife taped into her anesthetized hands.

But if you go for girl power and the triumph of collective sisterhood, then no doubt you’ll enjoy the film as the female ensemble seem to be having a blast playing their respective roles in a flashy fun ride.

There are also touches of drama with Sam being reunited with her estranged mom, Scarlet, who also had to reconcile with her former friends Anna May, Madeleine and Florence. Sam herself has to ask the forgiveness of Emily for killing her dad. The film also deserves commendation for its stylized production design with its candy-colored sets, nifty costumes and stunning fight choreography.