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October 12, 2023 Bro. Clifford T. Sorita 371 views

SoritaOur Philippine electoral arena has developed in a variety of situational realities that confuse the way the citizenry looks at our ethical values during elections. All that has been discussed in my past articles point to the lack of patriotism or “Pagmamahal sa Bayan” among politicians and the citizenry as well. It is therefore along this line of thought that Filipinos whose Democracy was born out of the blood of heroes, are engaged with a moral imperative for the Barangay Polls, “Who am I going to elect in order to regain this dignity of our Love of Country?”

1. It is through Our Vote that Good Governance begins. It is when WE conscientiously choose responsible leaders that WE contribute to good governance. It is when WE allow ourselves to be intimidated, bought or coerced that WE lose that right to be a citizen of our country. Voting the right way and for the good candidates enhances our right to suffrage and attests of our responsibility for our future and the future of our country.

2. Protecting Our Vote is an Integral Part of Patriotism. Our vote, though it is a singular one is a lucrative attraction to politicians’ desire to be elected at all cost thereby exposing us to the dangers of “guns, goons and gold”. It is in this light that bravery comes as a virtue. It is when we cowardly succumb to intimidation that we contribute to the perennial and blatant fraud permeating the country. It is when we protect this vote that others see its importance and are inspired to do the same. And that makes such an integral part of heroism.

3. Our Vote is a Responsibility to Our Country. It is when WE vote that WE participate in Nation Building because it is the leader WE choose that shall direct us to such a noble task. It is a great responsibility for me to choose the best candidate for the job. It is when WE fail to conscientiously choose the better leader that WE also fail in our responsibility. We are therefore impelled to make the right choice and to vote if we are to belong to the movers of moral transformation. In the end, we are Filipino Citizens responsible for the betterment of our country – the Philippines.

For our Choice of Candidates, we should choose between the Honest vs the Corrupt …

H – ERO OF THE POOR AND THE UNDERPRIVILEGED. In solidarity with the plight of the poor and the underprivileged; sharing with them the blessings of economic gains

O – PEN MINDED. Does not discriminate based on belief, religion, gender, disability, ethnicity or social class

N – ATIONALISTIC. Willing to sacrifice life for love of the Philippines and the Filipino People and to protect the Philippine Constitution and the country’s Democratic institutions at all costs

E – FFICIENT. Able to function well and achieve the desired results without waste and tempers this with acting on the basis of fact and analysis of data

S – INCERE. What he/she says is what he/she really mean and is evident in his actions conforming to his/her words

T – RUSTWORTHY. Trusted by the community as upright – a person of integrity in thought, word and deed

Versus those we consider as …

C – ONCEITED. Behaving toward other people as though they are less important and using his/her office and its resources and funds for self interest

O – PPORTUNISTIC. Taking advantage of all opportunities or situations, in a devious, unscrupulous, or unprincipled way

R – ECKLESS DISREGARD for the Degradation of the Environment. Circumventing the law to the destruction of the country’s natural resources in exchange for personal profit or vested interest

R – ACKETEER. Makes money from illegal activities such as bribery, fraud, or intimidation

U – NFAITHFUL TO HIS/HER PLATFORMS. Not fulfilling his/her campaign promises and supporting policies contradictory to his/her platforms in the past elections that he/she had won

P – ERVERSE LIFESTYLE. Purposely deviating from what is accepted as good, moral, proper, or reasonable lifestyle

T – REACHEROUS. Betraying or ready to betray the Filipino citizenry’s trust, confidence, or faith

Use your right of suffrage responsibly. Never underestimate the power of your vote. Your vote can make a difference … It can help elect worthy men and women into public office that would alleviate the plight of those we consider voiceless in our society. Conversely, it is the same vote that can place a tyrant into government who would use one’s power for despotic rule. Don’t just make a choice, make a right choice. After carefully considering a candidate’s platform of governance make sure that your choice is articulated through your ballot, and to help make sure that your vote counts … Do not over vote, fully shade the oval beside your choice of candidate and bring your list of chosen candidates to the polls to avoid confusion and to save on your voting time.


For any personal comments or suggestions, you may call 0917-4805585 or email me at [email protected].