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Abalos orders BFP to prioritize MCPO probe

May 24, 2023 Joel dela Torre 194 views

LOCAL Government Secretary Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos Jr. ordered the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to prioritize the investigation into the fire that razed the historical Manila Central Post Office that left 18 persons hurt – 17 of them are firefighters.

“We must get to the bottom of this unfortunate incident at all costs and at the soonest possible time. That is why I am calling on the BFP to prioritize the investigation of the Manila Central Post Office fire and exhaust all means necessary to find out the cause of this incident that destroyed one of the country’s architectural heritage and national historical landmarks,” Abalos said. Initial reports showed that the fire started at the basement of the building where papers and light wooden materials are stocked.

The Manila District Fire Department has just placed the burned building under control only yesterday at 6:33 a.m. – more than 30 hours after it struck 11:41 p.m. Sunday.

Meanwhile, Abalos gave his snappy salute to the men and women of the BFP to include fire volunteers who braved the heat and stayed in the burned site until it was declared under control.