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Impostor SC employee nab

March 16, 2023 Hector Lawas 196 views

AGENTS of the National Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime Division arrested a woman pretending to be an employee of the Supreme Court offering annulment services to beleaguered couples in exchange for a large sum of money.

Jay Ann Balabagno, aka “Jay Ann Anderson or Jay Ann,” was caught red-handed in Quezon City, while accepting marked money from an undercover NBI agent.

She was offering non-appearance services for annulment cases of couples.

Balabagno was charged with Estafa under the Revised Penal Code, RA 11032 (Anti-Red Tape Act, as amended) in relation to Section 6 of RA 10175 and Section 6 of Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act).