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4 ex-rebels yield to Tarlac police

April 26, 2023 Bernard Galang 514 views

CAMP OLIVAS, City of San Fernando, Pampanga – Police Regional Office (PRO) 3 Director Brig. Gen. Jose Hidalgo Jr. on Wednesday said four former rebels surrendered to Tarlac authorities.

Personnel of 2nd PMFC Tarlac together with other concerned police units, facilitated the surrender of a former Militia ng Bayan member and three former Anakpawis members at 2nd PMFC (Provincial Mobile Force Company) Headquarters, Bgy. Malacampa, Camiling, Tarlac.

“Ka Libreng,” a former member of KLG-TARZAM (Militia ng Bayan), also turned in a .38 revolver, four .38 live bullets, and one 40mm high explosive.

Former members of Anakpawis identified as “Ka Ser,” “Ka Rico,” and “Ka Tisoy” withdrew their support and turned over one 40mm high explosive.

Hidalgo said the continuous local peace engagement activities of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in support of NTF-ELCAC made the rebels aware of the government’s program and the opportunity to “correct their mistakes.”