
Firecracker zones

December 13, 2023 People's Tonight 296 views

JUST more than two weeks before the “New Year Revelry,” the government would do well to designate barangay “firecracker zones” across the country.

Various quarters concede that there are still hard-headed people, mostly youngsters, who explode firecrackers and light pyrotechnic devices near houses.

Worse. others even purchase and use illegal, deadly and defective firecrackers and fireworks. endangering the lives of residents and passersby.

“Madalas pa nga ay sa mga iligal na paputok at pailaw na ito nagsisimula ang sunog,” lamented a woman, who lost a finger in last year’s revelry.

Every year, people, many of them parents and well-meaning barangay authorities, are enraged by the hard-headedness of some residents.

Thus, village officials ought to strictly enforce the ban on exploding firecrackers and lightling pyrotechnic devices outside the firecracker zones.

The ban should be implemented without fear nor favor if we want ensure the health, safety and welfare of people during the holiday season.

The authorities should monitor people and firms involved in the manufacture, sale and distribution of firecrackers and pyroterchnic devices.

With the help of the general public, the government ought to employ all means to ensure the safety of the citizens welcoming the new year.