
Manila city council pays tribute to former Vice Mayor Danny Lacuna

April 2, 2024 Edd Reyes 146 views

THE 12th City Council through a resolution during its 123rd session celebrated the 86th birthday of the late Vice Mayor Danilo “Danny” Bautista Lacuna (DBL), the longest-serving vice mayor and presiding officer of the Manila City Council.

Vice Mayor John Marvin “Yul Servo” Nieto, the current presiding officer in his speech, after the filing of the resolution, recalled the important accomplishments of the late vice mayor as well as his undeniable sphere of influence that can still be felt by every Manilenyo.

“His legacy will continue as we take part in preserving and nurturing our beloved city, towards our goal to achieve the Magnificent Manila. No one can match all that he has done for our city.” Nieto said adding that, “For 22 years in total as the Vice Mayor and presiding officer, he really deserved the most prestigious award, the Dangal ng Konseho, last year during the city council’s 122nd founding anniversary celebration,” he added.

To honor DBL’s legacy, the session hall of the city council was named after him through City Ordinance No. 8982. It is now known as Bulwagang Danilo B Lacuna.

According to Manila Mayor Maria Sheilah “Honey” Lacuna-Pangan, the daughter of the late Manila Vice Mayor, “DBL is a man of great service and compassion. Danny, as people called him, touched many, creating a life that spans further than just his years and into the hearts of us all where he will remain forever “.

The resolution was warmly accepted by the members of the august chamber and was adopted as City Resolution No.215, series of 2024. DBL was born on March 23, 1938 and died on August 13, 2023.