
Power supply

January 27, 2024 People's Tonight 153 views

EVERYBODY agrees that the reliability and stability of power supply play a crucial role in attracting foreign businessmen to invest in the Philipines.

In the past, some foreign investors relocated their businesses to other Asian countries, like Thailand, due to energy problems in the country.

Aware of the situation, President Marcos has called on the country’s key energy players to make sure there will be reliable power at all times.

“Each of us has a shared responsibility to ensure the reliability and adequacy of energy supply at all times,” Marcos said in a speech Friday.

Occasion was the ceremonial switch-on ceremony of the multi-billion-peso Mindanao-Visayas Interconnection Project (MVIP).

Aside from President Marcos, the ceremony was also graced by Energy Secretary Raphael Lotilla and National Grade Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) President Anthony Almeda.

The NGCP-led MIVP aims to enhance the stability of the country’s power supply by enabling the sharing of power resources among the three islands.

Like other well-meaning Filipinos, we share the view of President Marcos that interconnection projects would help spur socio-economic growth.

Indeed, total electrification is seen to speed up the transformation of sleepy barangays into flourishing communities across the Philippines.

Thus, we commend the Marcos administration for embarking on such gigantic projects as the MVIP.