
Concern for the poor

November 13, 2023 People's Tonight 160 views

LIKE other people,we support efforts to ensure that prices of goods and services are not beyond the reach of the poor.

In the view of various sectors, the overpricing of goods, particularly food, medicine and other basic necessities, is an unconscionable act.

Everybody agrees that there is certainly widespread poverty in the Philippines after the two-year paralyzing coronavirus disease pandemic.

“Talagang marami pa ang mga walang trabaho sa buong bansa, lalo na sa kalungsuran,” said a displaced overseas Filipino worker (OFW).

Government records show that many of our migrant workers, including professionals, lost their jobs at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of course, the government deserves the support of the general public as it goes after the country’s profiteers and price manipulators.

Today, concerned government agencies closely monitor the prices of goods not only in public markets but also in privately-owned shopping centers.

All these initiatives, in the view of many, are correct moves considering the continued presence of “heartless” and unscrupulous traders.

Likewise, the authorities ought to hit hard at men and women in government uniform who waltz with these highly-enterprising “economic saboteurs.”