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Solon champions welfare of freelance workers

May 14, 2023 Jester P. Manalastas 178 views

A neophyte solon has filed the Freelance Workers Protection bill (HB 4557) to honor Filipino workers’ hard work and contributions to the economy.

Quezon City Rep. PM Vargas said the bill seeks a just and protective working spaces and dignified working conditions for various labor sectors.

“One of the industries I believe that needs attention by the government is the freelance sector which has flourished in the last couple of years”, Vargas stated.

“More and more workers prefer freelancing because it offers schedule flexibility, work-life balance, and greater financial freedom and I see this as an opportunity to ensure that they are protected by institutionalizing the industry,” he added.

Likewise, Vargas jas filed House Bill 1681 or the “Former Prisoners Employment Act” to provide possible paid work for them as a crucial part of their societal reintegration.

Also, as a fervent supporter and proponent of fair pay for workers, Vargas also lobbied for several house bills for salary upgrades for public dentists, doctors, nurses, and public teachers.

“Our public teachers and health service practitioners are among the key frontline workers who kept the country together, especially during the pandemic and it is only right that they are fairly compensated for assuring the public with the most basic social services,” he said.

In the last quarter of 2022, Vargas also filed House Bill 1978 or Care for Nurses Welfare Act which aims to regulate and limit the consecutive working hours of nurses both in the public and private sectors.

He explained that compensation alone will not create the ideal workplace, but the working conditions too.