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May 14, 2023 Jester P. Manalastas 187 views

VICE President Sara Duterte  joined the nation in giving tribute to all Filipino mothers for their unconditional love and sacrifices for their families.

Duterte, a mother, said  Mother’s Day is a special moment and opportunity to express our love and gratitude to our mothers.

“Everything that mothers do reminds us what it is to be selfless.They ask for so little and yet they give so much,” Duterte said.

“Through them, we are blessed, guided, and supported into a life of care, courage, compassion, and love. Mothers plant in our hearts the countless ways we can make this world a better place for others,” she added.

Duterte said  the mother’s sacrifices and unconditional love have molded us to become a better person,  that we are today and what we will become in the future — inspiring us to dream and encouraging us to pursue these dreams.

“We see these mothers outside of our homes — they provide support, care, and guidance to children in our communities.

“May this day serve as an affirmation of the great work that our mothers unfailingly commit to teaching our children to be good, be present when others need them, and, in doing so, sustain the values that make up the fiber of our Filipino society — faith, optimism, resilience, resourcefulness, and generosity of spirit,” she said.