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2 men nabbed with improvised guns

April 17, 2023 Joel dela Torre 195 views

TWO persons in possession of improvised guns were arrested by roving members of the Quezon City Police District Sunday.

George Odena, 35, of Brgy. Baesa, QC. yielded an improvised 12-gauge handgun.

Report from the Talipapa Police Station said that operatives conducting a routine patrol spotted the suspect playing with a gun around 2:30 p.m. on Carlos Street, in the barangay. The suspect failed to present any valid documents.

The second suspect identified as Cesar Nicolas Dela Passion, 45, of Bgy. Sta. Teresita, QC.

Operatives of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDU) were conducting anti-criminality onboard a mobile patrol around 9:30 p.m. when a concerned citizen informed them of a man in possession of “sumpak” on Iba Street, near the corner of Dapitan Street.

The immediately proceeded to the area and saw Passion holding an improvised handgun with three live bullets. When asked about pertinent documents of his handgun, he could not produce any.

The suspects were charged with violation of R.A. 10591 before the Quezon City Prosecutor’s Office.