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MIAA backs DOH’s anti-COVID initiatives

May 27, 2024 Jun I. Legaspi 125 views

THE Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) supports the Department of Health (DOH) through the Bureau of Quarantine (BoQ)-NAIA on its initiatives to prevent the spread of the FLiRT Covid variant in the country.

In a recent Memorandum, the BoQ issued a heightened alert surveillance through the conduct of thorough screening at all points of entry for arriving visitors.

In the same memorandum, the public is encouraged to take basic health measures against possible infection.

Completing the health questionnaire in the e-Travel registration also serves as a helpful source of information for quarantine officers.

MIAA General Manager Eric Jose Ines highlighted the importance of public cooperation in these efforts, encouraging the practice of minimum safety measures to protect the health and well-being of all.

“We are dedicated to ensuring the safety of all passengers and the public.

We urge everyone to follow the basic health protocols and guidelines set by health authorities, such as frequent hand washing, covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, wearing a mask if experiencing flu-like symptoms and seeking medical attention and testing if you feel unwell.

The airport chief however clarified that wearing of masks inside the airport remains voluntary.

In addition, Ines has instructed all terminal housekeeping service providers, through the Terminal Managers, to include disinfection of items and locations where passenger contact exposure is high such as check-in counters, immigration countertops and the plastic trays used for final screening of passenger luggage and items.

Food concessionaires were also reminded to disinfect their respective areas, particularly the tables where their customers eat.

As of May 25, 2024, based on data from the DOH, the Philippines has reported 6,138 active Covid-19 cases, with a cumulative positivity rate of 13.4%. The National Capital Region (NCR) has the highest number of cases.

As of press time, MIAA has no report of any covid infection among its ranks.