March 28, 2023 People's Tonight 326 views

The usual response with inequality when it comes to rights is anger, it over comes all the layers of oppression you tried so hard to change to be able to achieve success and thrive in the path you so desire. People, particularly women, harness their frustration to empower themselves and create a highly transformative reality; instead of conforming to what society expects of them, People nowadays know how to channel their rage and change it into love.

Women responded to their pain through something that seem attainable, possible. Afterall, women empowerment, has come a long way since the days when women had no right to vote, no right to an education, and were encouraged to stay at home even if they have different dreams to pursue.

The fight about equality was dragged for so long and in today’s contemporary society, most people are all for embracing change and making a difference. People, regardless of their gender, should have the right to choose what they want without being derided.

A woman can walk the corporate life but they can also choose to be a good mother or to stay at home doing things that mean something to themselves—anything that makes them headstrong and independent.

As people perspired to step outside of their world to conquer better ways to live life to the fullest beats, the world continues to swivel on its feet. We grew out of old, worn values, towered over enslavements with our voices, and altered systems all to pave progressive
journey we deserve.

This and more, is what women empowerment strives to achieve over the years with triumph. Women empowerment was something people created because they know that something has to change, live on and carry on your female rage!. By Angela Fernando