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Therapist nabbed for theft of P.8M life support machine

March 15, 2023 Melnie Ragasa-limena 240 views

POLICEMEN arrested a respiratory therapist for allegedly stealing a ventilator life support machine worth P800,000 from a hospital in Quezon City which he then sold online for P55,000.

The 27-year-old suspect was reportedly working for the hospital’s third party equipment provider.

He was taken into custody by security guards of the hospital in Barangay New Era after the heist was discovered at around 11 p.m.

Probers said a company representative discovered the the equipment was already missing during an inventory.

Security personnel discovered the suspect was the one who stole the machine based on footage from the hospital’s closed-circuit television camera.

A police investigation report said the suspect admitted he sold the equipment online for P55,000 to an anonymous buyer.

The suspect was turned over by security officers to the Holy Spirit police station 14 for investigation.