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15 People Tell Eerie Stories Of Guardian Angels Looking Out For Them

May 19, 2023 People's Tonight 240 views

Melissa Brinks

If you ever missed death by an inch, and you believe you had a little help, you may be one of many people with guardian angel stories. Even for nonbelievers, a brush with real guardian angels is an encounter with the uncanny, proof of entities in the world beyond your line of sight. That’s why real guardian angel stories, such as the ones these Reddit users experienced, are so creepy; even if it ends as a positive experience, it leaves you with a lot of lingering questions. Most people believe real guardian angels protect people from harm, but that doesn’t make them less unnerving—if guardian angels are real, so are the forces they seek to protect people from.

Disembodied voices, invisible hands, and some incredible good fortune present in these stories all give proof of guardian angels in day-to-day life. But even if you write these accounts off as gut feelings that got lucky, it means you believe in gut feelings, which in the end are just as fantastic as the concept of people with guardian angels. If anything, maybe gut feelings provide another way real-life guardian angels try to guide people to safety each day. There are crazier theories out there.


• A Guardian Angel Helped This Poster Avoid A Deadly Snakebite

From lightenergy:

“When I was in my 20s, I spent four years traveling the world. I was in South Africa, just outside Durban, and a friend had taken me on his motorbike to his favourite waterfall. We had both been swimming but I got cold and went to sit on a patch of green grass. To get there, I had to step from the sand I was on over a log then across a bit to the grass. I was walking medium speed, and lifted one foot to step over the log, when a VERY loud booming masculine voice shouted, “STOP!” Except the shout wasn’t heard with my ears, it was inside my head. Hard to explain. Also, there was nobody else around except Tim and I, and he was still happily swimming.

I stopped, wondering what had just happened. I still had my foot in the air above the log. I looked around, and spotted what I thought was a leaf waving about six inches from my big toe. It took me a few seconds to realise that it wasn’t a leaf, but a snake. A black mamba. He had his head raised and was licking the air right near my toe. He was waiting to see what my next move was to be, and he had seen me long before I saw him. I slowly backed up and walked very carefully backwards to where Tim was. I have no explanation for the voice that I heard, except that it was so loud and was inside my head rather than heard with my ears, and it came at a time when I didn’t feel in any danger at all – in fact I was very calm and happy. I feel that it was my guardian angel who shouted at me to stop, as I would have stepped right on the snake. My guardian angel saved my life.”

• A Mysterious Voice Saved This Girl’s Life

From twotwirlygirlys:

“My sister had a similar experience. She was in a car wreck and her ’70s grocery-getter started flipping through the air. A voice loudly told her to lift her arms. She broke a bone in her hand, but she was told that doing that probably saved her life. Her hand took the brunt of the landing and she did not fall on her head.”

• This Poster Narrowly Avoided Being Drugged

From a deleted account:

“Once I was with a small group of four, stuck in very very difficult circumstances without food. We would no doubt be rescued within 24 hours, but a lot could happen before that.

One guy pulled out a box of six beautiful Belgian chocolate truffles from his jacket and offered them around. Chocolate! I almost was reaching for one when I heard this voice screaming inside me ‘don’t touch that!’ So I didn’t.

They were laced with LSD. And we were trapped in a Central American conflict zone in the middle of the night. Nothing in my consciousness could have ever suggested to me that someone would do something so stupid under such circumstances.”

• A Guardian Angel Promised To Make Everything Okay

From Ariel125:

“About 20 years ago my family was getting ready to move across the country for my dad’s job and my grandmother was worried sick. She was not elderly back then and in perfect health. She was in church, worried and praying we would be safe being so far away. Suddenly a booming voice echoed through the whole church ‘I will take care of your family-y-y-y-y-y’ (echoing).

She shot up, looked around; no one else had heard it. No one. She knows it was God or her guardian angel telling her we would be okay.”

• This Guardian Angel Provided Better – But Not Necessarily Good – Luck

From Houdat:

“I’ve never seen one but I’ve always had a feeling of being ‘watched over’ or protected. I’ve been incredibly lucky in my life. For instance, I’m epileptic and the first time I had a Grand Mal seizure as opposed to a Petite Mal seizure was when I was 15. I had it in the shower one morning while getting ready for school. I hit my head on the faucet so hard that I knocked it loose but came away from it with a mild concussion. That’s happened several times and each time I just barely missed serious injury.

When my insurance company and pharmacy gave me a generic medication instead of the name brand that I needed, I had a seizure. This time I was driving in front of the big box retailer that I work for. This place is always busy (not Walmart) and somehow I managed to not hit anyone and only hit a small tree. Someone dropped the ball in the ER and didn’t report the accident to the DMV and I didn’t lose my license.

Years later, I made the mistake of driving after a few beers, and when a car stopped in the middle of making a turn I lightly tapped them and went to jail. I learned my lesson and would never do it again, but that lesson could have been so much worse. There are other things, mostly small but meaningful events that could have and should have been so much worse then they were, but things seem to work out for the best and lessons are learned. I’m not sure I believe in a God but I do believe that there is something that for some reason has protected me and now my family.”

• Not Everybody Got To Have A Guardian Angel

From downhereforyoursoul:

“A few months back at a family gathering, after a few glasses of wine, my mom shared this story from when she was a kid.

She and a childhood friend were walking home from school one day and about to cross a country road that was normally deserted. They’d been warned to be careful around that road before, but being kids never thought much about it. On one occasion, she said they got to the road, and she was overcome with a sense of dread. She felt rooted to the spot, as if something was literally holding her in place. Her friend started crossing without her, and a guy in a truck happened to be speeding along, not paying attention, and ran over her friend.

The girl died later in the hospital. My mom sincerely believes that her guardian angel saved her life that day, but that makes me wonder about the other little girl. Her angel was taking a smoke break or something?”

• An Angel In A Cowboy Hat Provided Comfort

From arielflip:

“My experience with spirit guardians happened this way:

I was traveling west on a divided four-lane highway. There were openings for turns about every quarter mile. It was 6:30 AM and raining just enough to piss you off (misting/spitting). A woman t-bones me on the back driver’s side fender. I spin and come to rest in the median (all grass and mud from rain). Out of nowhere, a guy shows up to my driver side window. He has a large cowboy hat on. He says, ‘You are going to be okay,’ and he holds my hand. I asked him his name and he looks away like he doesn’t want to tell me. Then he says ‘Bill Hill.’ I smiled and said thank you.

Another motorist who stopped calls 911 and ambulance is dispatched. When they arrive, he moves out of the way for the EMT’s to get me out of the car (car is totaled/no glass left).

Get checked out and I get to go home with broken ribs and a shattered knee cap.

A few days later my mom takes me to see the car. What a wreck! I told her to help get some personal items from the car. When I looked in the backseat, there is the dude’s cowboy hat! I told my mom about him and we both proceeded to try and find him to thank him for being so kind.

He never existed and we lived in a small town of only a few thousand at the time. We checked with police and the churches and everywhere!

How did his hat get in my backseat? He wore it the whole time he held my hand and had the hat on when he got out of the way for the EMTs!

I think he was a Angel! Why would I have his hat?”

• Saved By An Angel While Rock Climbing

From reedkeeper:

“I was free climbing a thirty foot cliff face once. The face was mostly shale rock with plenty of handholds and I was young and dumb.

Two thirds of the way up, my left handhold broke free as I was reaching with my right and I started to fall. You know that feeling when you are tilting back in a chair and you tilt just a little too far?

That’s exactly what I felt. I started to fall backwards and everything got real slow. I knew I was going to die or at best be [injured].

I felt a hand gently press against my back, right between my shoulder blades. It felt like a perfectly normal right hand and it [pushed] me back against the rock face.

I took a moment to steady myself, I was pretty shaken up, and then I climbed down to safety.

I am inclined to believe that it was a guardian angel, but that is solely based on my religious background and I don’t know where said guardian angel was when I got hit by a car. I suppose it could have been a hallucination, but I don’t use drugs and I wasn’t on any medications. I’ll probably never know what happened, but I am very thankful that I didn’t fall.”

• He Narrowly Avoided Being Hit By A Truck

From harrypalmer:

“We were moving from southern Washington to northern Washington, me in my old pickup and my wife and son in our other car following. The fuel pump on the pickup gives out and I pull over just past an on ramp off the highway. I send my wife and son to buy a new fuel pump and start to remove old pump.

I’m standing on the traffic side of the truck at least ten feet off the highway, not really concerned that I’d get hit, when a voice sounds close to my ear, ‘You’re going to get hit.’ I’ve heard that voice often enough to know not to disregard it and moved to the other side of the truck at least 50 feet away.

Sure as shit, not more than two minutes later, another pickup comes down the on ramp at 50+ mph, broadsides my truck from the back bumper to the front. If I had stayed working on the pump I’d have been turned into a jelly smear on the side of my truck.”

• A Mysterious Voice Saved This Poster From A Car Accident

From matiti60:

“I was driving one time and it was a white out snow. Anyone who’s driven in that weather knows that you kind of get hypnotized by the snow.

I heard someone calling me by my nickname, I woke up and I was on the other side of the road about to hit an oncoming car. Luckily I managed to move in time.

I think it was my godfather who had passed away. I always feel like he’s watching over me.”

• A Helpful Passerby Saved This Person From Disaster

From a deleted user:

“My friend and I were sitting at a traffic light very late one night when his car just stalled. He tried and tried to get it to restart but we couldn’t get it going. We jumped out to push it into the parking lot of a gas station that was next to where the car died.

We were having trouble getting it up an incline when out of nowhere this guy came jogging up from the direction of the gas station. He got on the other side of the car and helped me push it up the incline, out of the street and into the lot. We thanked him for his help and he took off.

Just then a car came speeding around a curve and blew through the intersection where the car was just a minute before. My bud and I were shocked because if that guy didn’t show up when he did we would have been hit by that car. We turned back around to say thank the guy again but he was gone, just disappeared into a thin air. I truly believe he was an angel, sent to protect us that night.””

• Two Angels Frightened A Would-Be Attacker Away

From l1ghtstep:

“A friend of mine told me about an experience his grandmother had when she was home alone once. In the middle of the day, someone knocked on her door. When she went to answer it she was greeted by a man with knife ready to kill her and loot the place, but when he saw her, he went pale and ran.

He was later caught and questioned about why he ran, and his response was, ‘When the door opened I saw two large and strong men standing behind her.’ And to this day my friend swears that it must have been two angels sent to protect her.”

• An Angel’s Touch Left Lasting Bruises

From satanicpoodle:

“My aunt had a similar experience when she rolled her Jeep as a teenager. Mid roll, she was taken out of the Jeep and sort of ‘floated’ or ‘hovered’ over the road until she was placed feet first on the ground. She later noticed she was had bruises resembling hand prints on both of her biceps. No other bruises or scars from the incident.”

• This Poster’s Guardian Angel Looked Like Her

From heannalay:

“This is my mother’s story. When I was little we used to live in an old house that was probably close to 100 years old. Anyways, I was around three or four-years-old at the time and very sick. My room and my mother’s room were right next to each other, and my parents had split up that year so it was just my mom, my sister, and I in the house.

She said that while everyone was asleep, she woke up to a someone standing right in front of her around eye level with her while she was laying in bed (so around 2 1/2 feet I suppose, she said it looked like me, exactly like me and I was glowing white, but transparent and still. The someone had long brown hair (which is what I did have) and was wearing a white nightgown. The night that she saw this, I had been very very sick and I wasn’t turning around. After she blinked a few times the someone dissolved and she got up to check on me. I had a fever with shivers and was coughing and almost choking on my own mucus (ew).

She took me to the hospital right then and the doctor said that if she hadn’t, I probably would’ve died from choking in my sleep or from how close I was to catching pneumonia. My mom loves telling this story and truly believes it was my guardian angel telling her it wasn’t my time yet and that I needed her help.”

• A Strange Priest Healed A Sick Child

From sleeplesssurvivor:

“My dad recently told me this story and I was just amazed. I thought you guys would like to hear it.

When I was young, about three or so, I was hospitalized and near death. I had a fever that just would not break and was passed out for most of the hospitalization. My dad, who has always been religious, wanted the hospital’s priest to come say a prayer for me.

So, the priest comes to pray for me but, something’s not right about the guy. He never gives his name and has no bible. He says the entire prayer in Latin and blesses me.

Now, my parents aren’t married yet and since the priest is there, they ask why they haven’t been able to have another child yet. They had been trying for about a year with no luck. The priest tells them that they won’t have another child until they’re married.

The priest leaves after that and an hour later my fever breaks.

The next day the hospital’s priest comes to the room to say a prayer for me. My dad is confused and tells the man that someone had already come the day before, to which the man replies that no priests were on duty the day before. He checked with all of the hospital staff and their visitation book and everything, nothing turned up. No priest was in the previous day.

He searched for years to find this priest that prayed for me and he never found a single trace of him anywhere.

A month after my mom and dad got married, my mom got pregnant with my brother.

So, we’ll never know who the mysterious man was but, I like to think he’s my guardian angel. To this day my dad still has found no record of him, not even someone who looks like him. Someone was looking out for me that day though. I just wish I knew who.”