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Trillanes to PBBM: Allow ICC to probe Duterte

October 16, 2023 People's Journal 177 views

FORMER Senator Antonio ‘Sonny’ Trillanes IV urged President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to allow the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigators into the country and investigate former President Rodrigo Duterte, after he publicly admitted that he was involved in the extrajudicial killings in Davao, when he was still the mayor there.

“We, the Magdalo group, are urging the Marcos administration to allow the ICC investigators into the country in order to make ex-president Rodrigo Duterte accountable for his crimes against humanity,” the Magdalo Group said in a statement that was signed by Trillanes, as its national chairman.

“This is in light of Mr. Duterte’s recent public admission that he used his Confidential/ Intelligence Funds to conduct extra-judicial killings on his constituents in Davao City when he was still its mayor,” added the group, in the said statement which was posted on the former senator’s X (formerly Twitter account) account.

“Being the original filers of the ICC case in 2017, we have witnessed and documented the barbaric actions of the past administration, as well as the trauma and hardships that the thousands of victims and their families have suffered. Truly, Justice is long overdue,” they added.

It can be recalled that in an earlier television interview, the former president personally admitted publicly that he used his confidential and intelligence fund (CIF) to kill drug pushers when he was still mayor of Davao.

“Ang intelligence fund, binili ko, pinapatay ko lahat, kaya ganoon ang Davao. ‘Yung mga kasama ni (inaudible), pina-tigok ko talaga. ‘Yun ang totoo,” Duterte said.

In an earlier tweet, Trillanes said that they have already submitted the video clip of the former president to the ICC. “We have submitted to the ICC this video wherein Duterte publicly admitted that he used the Confidential/Intelligence funds to conduct EJKs on his constituents in Davao city when he was still a mayor. This is truly an open-and-shut case.”