Taguig lauds Cayetano
THE City of Taguig congratulated Senator Pia Cayetano for winning the World Health Organization (WHO) 2023 World No Tobacco Day Award!
As an advocate of tobacco control, Cayetano has consistently and successfully championed laws, programs, and projects to combat smoking, vapes and heated tobacco products (HTPs).
In 2014, Senator Pia Cayetano sponsored the Graphic Health Warning bill which was signed into law as Republic Act 10643 and fought for the Sin Tax Reform Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10351) among others.
According to a Taguig City statement, “the well-deserved recognition, which aims to acknowledge the important contributions of individuals and organizations toward tobacco control, is a testament to her heart for public health and her persistent drive to keep Filipinos safe from these harmful products.”
The City of Taguig is so proud of you, Sen. Pia!, the statement added. By JOSEPH MUEGO