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Over 5K cops deployed in CL for Undas

October 30, 2021 Bernard Galang 203 views

CAMP OLIVAS, City of San Fernando, Pampanga – Police Regional Office 3 director Brig. Gen. Valeriano de Leon on Friday led the inspection of the different cemeteries, memorial parks and columbaria in Central Luzon.

De Leon ordered the deployment of at least 5,000 police officers in line with the “Ligtas Undas 2021” drive and checked on his personnel to ensure that the minimum public health standards set by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases will be strictly implemented in cemeteries and memorial parks.

De Leon reminded the public who will visit their departed loved ones to observe the health guidelines as the Philippine National Police (PNP) will not hesitate to arrest violators.

“Our policemen are deployed until November 4, 2021, to ensure the safety and security of the public in the observance of the All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days,” De Leon said.

The Central Luzon police chief thanked the force multipliers who were deployed along with over 6,000 PNP personnel to guarantee peace and order during this long weekend.