mamang pulis

Marbil wants reforms at PNP-FEO, SOSIA

June 18, 2024 Alfred P. Dalizon 244 views

MarbilCORRUPT-FREE transactions at the Philippine National Police Firearms and Explosives Office (PNP-FEO) and the Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies is what PNP chief, General Rommel Francisco D. Marbil wants.

The top cop recognized the reforms being made by the present heads of the PNP-FEO and the PNP-SOSIA after he gave them the opportunity to prove their worth in reforming past bad practices in their offices and ensure that ‘money won’t talk’ each time transactions are being made by their men, the Journal Group learned.

PNP-FEO Officer-in-Charge, Colonel Ericson D. Dilag earlier appealed to the public to bear with the inconveniences that may have been caused by the FEO systems’ adjustments triggered by a glitch two months ago.

Gen. Marbil has instructed PNP Civil Security Group director, Major Gen. Edgar Alan O. Okubo to put a complete stop to all ‘fixing activities’ at the PNP One-Stop-Shop where gun papers and security guard licenses are being processed.

The official, who has ordered a crackdown on all ‘fixing’ activities and illegal transactions at the PNP-OSS, has already ordered the administrative relief of several OSS personnel who were proven to have engaged in illegal transactions using their previous online system.

He also requested a 3rd party, the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group, to investigate the illegal online activities of the personnel to prevent the accused from influencing the outcome of the probe.

Maj. Gen. Okubo said he is determined to cleanse the PNP-CSG ranks of unscrupulous individuals and free their online system from loopholes that can be taken advantage of by enterprising people.

He also ordered PNP-SOSIA acting director, Colonel Marlou Roy V. Alzate, to identify the work around on the applications for License to Exercise Security Profession (LESP) and License to Operate being issued to private security agencies.

He also directed Col. Dilag to also do the same when it comes to the issuance of License to Own and Possess Firearms and Firearm Registration in the wake of the temporary deactivation of 14 highly-critical PNP Information Systems or IS two months ago as IT experts of the police force continue to work to address breaches on their online systems.

In light of the recent hacking incident on the PNP-FEO system, all information systems of the FEO and the PNP-SOSIA were temporarily halted to give way to the conduct of cybersecurity measures needed to fortify security protocols on the said systems.

Maj. Gen. Okubo admitted that the temporary deactivation of the systems resulted in a full stop to all their transactions.

However, he said that once the system is reactivated, the applications will go beyond the capacity of concerned offices to process within reasonable time such as the PNP Health Service which processes Neuro-Psychiatric Examinations and the PNP Forensic Group tasked to process the drug test of LESP, LTOFP and FA applicants.

The PNP-SOSIA is also anticipating the same issue to crop up since LESP and LTO applications have been piling up as a result of the system’s glitches.

Maj. Gen. Okubo said that to prevent their clients to be at the receiving end of the system glitches and in anticipation of the influx of applications once the problem is solved, he has instructed all concerned offices to accept and process applications manually especially for Drug Test and Neuro-Psychiatric Examinations.

He also met officers and men of the CSG, the FEO and the SOSIA and called on them to work on how they can still provide good service to their clients in the wake of the system breakdown, even it is means going back to manual processing rather than waiting for the full restoration of their system.

“We can just think of delayed processing of licenses, but it is life for many clients. A delayed LESP for a security guard means no food to bring on the table for their family.

A simple firearms verification concern would work to the disadvantage of someone who is being held in prison or an accused walks free out of prison,” the official said.

On instructions of Gen. Marbil, the PNP-CSG director said he was studying a number of key reforms in his unit which is known for its mantra ‘Customer Service Guaranteed’ even during challenging times.

For his part, Col. Alzate said he has implemented a series of programs to help alleviate the plight of private security guards who are considered as the major ‘force multiplier’ of the police force.

The PNP-SOSIA has also fully complied with Gen. Marbil’s instruction to ensure that security guards will be able to get their License to Exercise Security Profession (LESP) with ease.

The PNP chief also ordered the same unit to ensure that Private Security Professionals won’t be over-burdened with difficult and complex processes when applying for their LESPs.

Gen. Marbil’s order to shorten their Monday flag-raising rites has also benefited security guards who have to wait for hours before their application papers are processed.

The guards are now allowed to proceed to the 3rd floor of the PNP’s One-Stop Shop where they can wait for the 8:00 a.m. opening of concerned PNP offices.

The PNP-SOSIA also asked the chief of the PNP-OSS to oversee the early entry of the LESP applicants and to forward all walk-in LESP applicants who cannot be immediately accommodated at the main SOSIA office for immediate processing of their papers.

The new process has been met with satisfaction by dozens of security guards daily trooping to the PNP-OSS to apply for or renew their LESPs.

Apart from that, the accommodation of walk-in LESP applicants at the SOSIA office and the entry of additional personnel and ID card printers has eased the volume of clients and fast-tracked the processing of LESP applications.

In what has been seen as a 1st in the PNP since it was established in 1991, the PNP-SOSIA now has also allowed PSP applicants to wear smart casual attire instead of a complete set of private security uniform during the processing of their LESP application.