
Foreign sex offenders

May 26, 2024 People's Tonight 106 views

DON’T look now, but a multi-pronged program of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) is paying good dividends.

It is part of government efforts to go after foreign sex offenders in the Philippines.

Dubbed “Project #Shieldkids Campaign,” the BI’s elaborately-orchestrated undertaking is aimed at preventing the entry of foreign sex offenders into this impoverished Asian nation.

And immigration records show that only 49 foreign sex offenders were prevented from entering the country from January to April 2024.

American nationals topped the list of barred foreigners, followed by sex offenders from the United Kingdom and Germany.

Most of those excluded aliens were registered sex offenders or those who have a record of convictions for sex crimes in their country of origin.

BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco said “Project #Shieldkids Campaign” is deterring or discouraging otrher sex offenders from coming here.”

Tansingco said the launching of the drive and other recent actions of the BI “serve as a big deterrent in stopping the entry of these undesirables.”

He vowed to continue pursuing BI’s campaign against pedophiles and other sex predators to protect the country’s women and children.

During the same four-month period last year, 64 passengers were barred from entering the Philippines.

Let’s then support government programs aimed at protecting our women and children against foreign sex offenders.