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Batangas PPO gets medical aid

February 4, 2022 Jojo C. Magsombol 374 views

THE Batangas Police Provincial Office (PPO) under the leadership of Provincial Director, PCol. Glicerio C. Cansilao received various medical equipment as a boost against COVID-19. The distribution of medical aid took place on February 2, at Camp General Miguel C Malvar, Batangas City. They receive gloves, vitamins, lagundi capsules, paracetamols, alcohol, facemasks, thermal scanners, bandaids, and other medical supplies.

The said equipment was courtesy of Lobo Eagles Club, Batangas Masonic Lodge #35, and Shooting Star Trading. This only proves that the Batangas PPO has a very good relationship with the community under the leadership of PCol. Cansilao.

The medical assistance received will be used by the Provincial Health Team in intensifying their Batangas police health care campaign against Covid-19.

“The equipment we received from our friends and partner organizations was a great help. From the Batangas PPO police, I am very grateful to those who extended medical help. We can use this to better protect the health of our police especially during this time of pandemic”, the police director said.