
A welcome dev’t

March 24, 2024 People's Tonight 76 views

DON’T look now, but more and more Filipinos, particularly the country’s youngsters, now want to exercise their right of suffrage.

Everybody agrees that there’s a need to have a voice in the selection of leaders, who will chart the destiny of the nation and the people.

Of course, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) is on the right track in resuming its voter registration program for the 2025 polls.

The poll body has already received 1.52 million applications for registration, more than half of its target three million new voters.

Comelec Chairman George Erwin Garcia said the nationwide registration, which started last February 12, ends on September 30.

The poll body said the filing of certificates of candidacy (COCs) for the May 12, 2025 national and local elections is October.

“It’s not enough that you just register. On your shoulders rest the responsibility of voting rightly,” said the articulate Garcia.

“We vote (for a candidate) because we know that he (or she) will give a bright future to everyone,” the poll chairman added.

Like other well-meaning people, we believe that the Filipino electorate, notably the youth, is moving towards political maturity.

Certainly, registering all qualified voters in this nation of election-crazy people, is a move in the right direction.