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Destab conspiracy

January 30, 2024 Mario Fetalino Jr. 146 views

Mario FetalinoIF one could recall, former president Rodrigo Duterte accomplished a rare feat when he scored high approval and trust ratings two months before he left Malacanang in 2022.

It was extraordinary because most of his predecessors failed to have a graceful exit after exercising great powers for six years.

And because Duterte reached the pinnacle of his political career and graduated the presidency with flying colors, I thought the 78-year-old former Davao mayor would live a peaceful life as a private citizen.

That’s how to keep a good lasting impression, right?

But just like any power-hungry politician, the ex-president chose to continue meddling with state affairs even though he’s no longer part of the government.

And if what I hear through the grapevine is right, he’s doing the meddling the ugly way.

Coffee shop talks abound with suspicion of a ‘conspiracy’ between the former chief executive, his children and China to undermine the current Marcos administration.

Is it true China is backing the former president and his kids to take over the country’s leadership? It could be an opportunity for them to escape from the threat posed by the International Criminal Court.

The ICC is currently probing the former president over the drug war killings during his reign.

On the other hand, a new leadership aided by China will most likely stay mum on Chinese domination in the West Philippine Sea.

It is also seen to push for reduced cooperation with the US and its other partners like Australia, Japan and Europe.

Quite apparently, China could benefit from internal struggles in the Philippines. Critics say China will use all means to overcome the Philippines using all grey zone measures including political sabotage.

Well, all these might be just assumptions. But at the recent so-called “prayer” rally, the former president was heard saying he’s planning to retake power in some way or another.

I hope he’s just kidding.


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