JGFP ‘Christmas Ball’ at Wack Wack

December 17, 2023 People's Tonight 436 views

TOP young golfers get their well-deserved recognition following their impressive stints in international competitions as the Junior Golf Foundation of the Philippines (JGFP) gives citations on its ‘Christmas Ball’ set on Sunday, Dec. 17 at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City.

Leading the recipients of the JGFP citation are Thailand Singha Junior World participants Reese Ng, Alethea Gaccion, Bobe Salahog and Jacob Cajita.

Also to be feted are Brianna Macasaet, Aerin Chan, as well as Gaisano-Gan sisters Nicole and Stephanie following their performances in the 2023 Chiangmai APJGA International Championships held in Thailand.

Likewise, Rianne Malixi will receive an award for her impressive stint in the US. Pampanga’s District 2 representative Mikey Arroyo will hand out the awards.

Other top five performers in various international competitions – like Sarines sisters Mona and Lisa, Race Manhit, Kamila del Mundo, Geoffrey Tan and Lucas de Guzman – will also receive recognition.

“We want to give recognition where it is due because these young golfers have represented the country well, they gave us honor and they made us all very proud,” said JGFP president Oliver Gan.

“We hope that they continue to improve on their game, continue to inspire other young golfers as we look forward to a much better performance from them come 2024,” added Gan, a former golf consultant of the Games and Amusement Board (GAB).

Gan said the prizes will be raffled off in the ‘Christmas Ball’ to be attended by JGFP officers and members.