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LSGH chesser strikes

July 7, 2021 Theodore P. Jurado 532 views

CSB-La Salle Greenhills’ Mel George Faitriz Cadano bested Mapua’s Yureeh Panganiban in the continuation of the juniors elimination round of the NCAA online chess tournament yesterday.

With the victory, the 16-year old Cadano secured a spot in the Round of 16 while eliminating Panganiban in the process.

Cadano joins Fide Master Christian Mark Daluz of Letran in the next phase of the knockout stage. Daluz topped last season’s MVP Gal Brien Palasigue of San Beda on Tuesday.

The eliminations, which is aired over the league’s new television partner GMA’s GTV Channel 11, will last until tomorrow.

Round of 16 action will commence on July 10-11, while the quarterfinals will be played on July 12-14.

The semifinals will be held on July 15 while the finals is set on July 17.

The seniors tournament, on the other hand, will start on July 18.

The league’s truncated Season 96 has just concluded the taekwondo poomsae and speed kicking competitions, as face-to-face competitions were not played due to the COVID-19 pandemic.