UST includes health protocols, scientific info in Filipino technical translations seminar

June 7, 2021 People's Tonight 1319 views

UNIVERSITY of Santo Tomas Sentro sa Salin at Araling Salin (Center for Translation and Translation Studies), the University’s translation center for advancing the professionalization of the field of translation in the country, conducted a month-long translation seminar, in cooperation with the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) and Lexcode, Inc.

Dubbed as Linangan: Masulong na Pagsasanay sa Ebalwasyon ng Saling Teknikal, the seminar-workshop was held every Saturday, from February 20 to March 13, 2021.The training aimed to cultivate evaluators of technical translations in Filipino among practicing translations from the academe, government, and industry as represented by the three collaborating institutions.

In his keynote speech, KWF Chairperson and UST faculty member Dr. Arthur P. Casanova recognized Linangan’s importance in the promotion of the intellectualization of the Filipino language and in the advancement of translation quality for Filipino language. He said that health protocols and scientific information translated into Filipino and Philippine languages are crucial in the pandemic response.

The 17 participants, which included the core group of the Center and language experts from KWF and Lexcode, were trained to evaluate technical texts translated into the national language. They were divided into smaller groups for the workshop. The proposed translation quality tool of documents by the KWF was used.

According to Sentro sa Salin Chair Dr. Wennielyn Fajilan, “Linangan’s primary objective was to train translator-evaluators in Filipino so that the Center will also have a pool of trained evaluators at par with practitioners from the industry like Lexcode, Inc and in line with the practitioners in government like the KWF.”

The live sessions held every Saturday were complemented with asynchronous sessions. Lecturers included Sentro sa Salin Chair Dr. Fajilan, UST Departamento ng Filipino Chair Asst. Prof. Alvin Ringgo Reyes, National Commission for Culture and the Arts-National Committee on Language and Translation Chair Dr. Michael Coroza, KWF Sangay ng Salin Chief Mr. John Enrico Torralba, Sangay ng Salin and Lexcode, Inc. Director Ms. Christine Ignacio.

Dr. Franz Giuseppe Cortez of the UST Philosophy Department also served as one of the panelists. Topics included notions of the skills and attributes of a competent evaluator, translation quality assessment, and cultural considerations in evaluating technical translations to Filipino.