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Senate eyes longer sessions before June 5 adjournment

May 13, 2021 Marlon Purification 427 views

THE SENATE is planning to lengthen their session days before the sine die adjournment of the 2nd regular session of 18th Congress on June 5, 2021.

Senate President Vicente ‘Tito’ Sotto III confirmed that they are planning to hold sessions even on Thursdays upon their resumption on May 17.

“I will propose to have sessions on Thursdays which we had in the Old Congress so we can have 12 days instead of 9,” Sotto said.

Senators meanwhile support Sotto’s proposal saying they can agree on it during their caucus on Monday.

“Am amenable but will surely discuss this in a caucus,” Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto said.

Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon said he will support Thursday sessions in order to finish some important legislations.

“Yes. SP Sotto broached that proposal to me a few days ago, and I supported it. When SP Sotto and I were neophyte senators in the 90s, the Senate had four sessions a week, although the Thursday sessions were devoted to local bills,” Drilon said.

Senator Grace Poe admitted that they really need to lengthen their session days to tackle major priority bills.

“I agree with his decision. We have several major priority bills. The Public Service Act is a priority measure and under my committee. This complex and often times contentious bill, will require extensive scrutiny and debates for the body to come up with the most equitable version of the bill we hope to pass into law at the soonest possible time. The PSA is expected to encourage more foreign investments to aid our economy and create the much needed employment especially at this time,” Poe said.

Senators Win Gatchalian, Panfilo Lacson, Sonny Angara, Imee Marcos and Kiko Pangilinan also expressed support to the proposal.