

December 28, 2023 Edd Reyes 201 views

THE Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) renewed its call to the local government units (LGUs) in Metro Manila to designate fireworks display zones in their respective localities for the New Year revelry.

MMDA Acting Chairman Atty. Don Artes said the designation of fireworks display zones in every LGU will provide a safer environment during the holiday celebration.

“Setting up common fireworks display zones can prevent or lessen fireworks-related injuries. Open spaces or common areas can be designated as fireworks display zones,” said Atty. Artes.

During the recent Metro Manila Council (MMC) meeting, Artes and the Metro Manila mayors discussed the reiteration of MMDA Resolution 22-22 Series of 2022, exhorting the Metro Manila LGUs to set up firework display zone in relation to Republic Act No. 7183 which regulates the sale, manufacture, distribution, and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices.

“It is a tradition to use firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices during the holiday season. There is undeniably a significant number of firecracker-related injuries, casualties, and accidental fires recorded every year in Metro Manila related to the indiscriminate and unregulated use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices,” cited in the resolution.

Health authorities also urged the Metro Manila LGUs to promote the Department of Health’s “Ligtas Christmas sa Healthy Pilipinas”, which has three components –Healthy Handaan (feast), Healthy Celebration and Iwas Paputok (avoiding use of firecrackers)” in their areas of jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, Atty. Artes also reminded the public to dispose of garbage, particularly used and unused firecrackers, properly during the welcoming of New Year.