DMW monitoring 5 Pinoy passengers in ill-fated flight

May 22, 2024 Jun I. Legaspi 181 views

THE Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) is closely monitoring the condition of five Filipino passengers who sustained injuries when their Singapore-bound flight made an emergency landing in Bangkok, Thailand, yesterday afternoon, May 21, 2024.

The DMW’s Migrant Workers Office in Singapore (MWO-SG) said the Filipino passengers include a family of three with a two-year-old male infant. The infant’s mother is a registered overseas Filipino worker (OFW) staff nurse in the United Kingdom (UK). Her husband has no record as an OFW. The fourth passenger is a female Singapore-based OFW in the information technology sector, while the fifth Filipino passenger, a male, has no record also as an OFW.

They were taken to various hospitals in Bangkok and received medical treatment for injuries sustained from the emergency landing incident.

They underwent a series of medical and physical tests. Doctors will review the test results to evaluate their condition and determine further treatment.

All are in stable condition, including the infant. MWO-SG reports, however, that doctors are closely observing the condition of the Singapore-based OFW who suffered a neck fracture. Doctors describe her condition as “sensitive” but stable.

MWO-SG and the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok (PE-BKK) will monitor their condition until they are discharged and can continue their journey.