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World’s Largest ‘Vampire’ Gathering

May 31, 2022 People's Tonight 319 views

In honor of the 125th anniversary of the publication of Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula,” an astonishing assemblage of 1,369 people dressed as classic vampires broke the Guinness World Record for previous such gatherings.

The curious congregation (pictured above) took place at Whitby Abbey in North Yorkshire (Stoker’s vampiric tale was said to be inspired by his visit to Whitby in 1890). The Whitby gathering trounced the previous record holder– 1,039 ‘vampires’ in Doswell, Virginia (2011).

The event was organized by English Heritage, which manages over 400 historic monuments and buildings in the UK. “We’d like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has come along to Whitby Abbey to help make this happen – you all looked fang-tastic!,” they tweeted.

For more, enjoy these photos published at The Guardian and BBC News.