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Teachers serving as poll workers exempted to work on site

May 1, 2022 Arlene Rivera 284 views

THE Department of Education (DepEd) has approved the recommendations of the regional directors and division superintendents raised through the Governance and Operations Strand to allow teachers not to report on-site from May 2 to 13, as most teachers will serve as poll workers in the upcoming elections.

The decision was based on the following grounds that the majority of the teachers, numbering more than 640,000 – are expected to serve in the May 9 national and local elections.

Also, teachers and schools are preparing for election activities and polling places before election day.

There will also be immediate post-election activities in the schools and by the teachers who will serve in the elections.

Teachers not serving in the elections shall continue to attend to tasks including the accomplishment of school forms, preparation of instructional materials, preparation of learning plans, and evaluation of learner’s outputs/portfolios during the period.

The Secretary instructed the Governance and Operations and the Curriculum and Instruction strands to provide the appropriate guidance to field units to implement the decision.