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Dismissed cop jailed for women’s abuse

May 23, 2024 Alfred P. Dalizon 84 views

A DISMISSED policeman wanted for violation of Republic Act 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act was hauled to jail by agents of the Philippine National Police Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group last Saturday, PNP-IMEG director Brig. Gen. Warren F. De Leon reported yesterday.

Ex-Police Officer 1 Henry Bais was placed under arrest on the strength of a warrant issued by the Capas, Tarlac Regional Trial Court Branch 66 for violation of RA 9262 last May 3.

Judge Ronald Leo Haban recommended a P2,000 bail for the temporary liberty of the accused.

RA 9262 seeks to address the prevalence of Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) by their intimate partners like their husband or ex-husband, live-in partner or former live-in partner, boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, dating partner or former dating partner.

Joint elements of the IMEG Luzon Field Unit and the Capas Municipal Police Station arrested the accused in Bgy. Patling in O’Donnel, Capas municipality shortly before noon last Saturday.

The dismissed policeman is temporarily detained at the Capas police lock-up facility pending the return of the warrant to the issuing court.