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Terror law hearing resumes online

April 22, 2021 Hector Lawas 290 views

THE Supreme Court will resume hearing oral arguments — this time online via videoconferencing — on several petitions questioning the constitutionality of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 on April 27, 2021.

This is the first online oral arguments the high court will ever conduct.

“Given the current public health situation, the remainder of the oral arguments shall be conducted through videoconferencing. This arrangement shall be pro hac vice (for or on this occasion only)…” the SC said in an advisory.

Justices, court personnel, counsel, and amici curiae will attend the oral arguments by videoconferencing through Zoom application.

The national security adviser may join the videoconferencing and shall be covered by regulations like the counsels.

The SC had cancelled the oral arguments following the rise in coronavirus cases in the country in the past few weeks.

A total of 37 petitions have been filed before the high court challenging the constitutionality, in whole or in part, of Republic Act No 11479.

President Duterte signed a stricter anti-terrorism bill, condemned by critics and rights groups as a weapon to target opponents and stifle free speech.

Duterte defended the law, saying law-abiding citizens should not fear as it targets only terrorists including communist insurgents.