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Modernization fund for PHC sought

April 17, 2023 Jester P. Manalastas 233 views

A House leader filed a measure that seeks to provide modernization funding for the Philippine Heart Center (PHC).

In filing House Bill 5858, 1PACMAN Representative Michael “Mikee” Romero, chairman of the House Committee on Poverty Alleviation, underscored the need to modernize PHC to ensure its mandate in upholding the highest standards of cardiovascular care and a self-reliant institution responsive to the health needs of the Filipino people.

Established in 1975, the PHC is a hospital that specializes in the treatment of heart ailments. To date, it has rooms for paying patients and charity patients and admits more than 14,000 patients every year.

Romero said the main purpose of the proposed modernization funds is to provide a comprehensive cardiovascular care enhanced by education and research that would be accessible to all.

The solon stressed the need of the said specialty hospital to provide compassionate and expert patient care, to provide world-class education and training; to conduct internationally acclaimed research; to responsibly disseminate scientific and lay information to the public.

Under the measure, proposed P500 million modernization funds shall be used for the operation and administration of the PHC.

“The PHC shall continue to develop, modernize and constantly update its operational capabilities to keep pace with best global practices,” Romero said.

The bill also states that the PHC must assist universities, hospitals and research institutions in their studies of cardiovascular anomalies, advanced trainings affecting the heart and other related fields.