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DOJ tells prosecutors: Assist in criminal cases build-up

April 5, 2023 Hector Lawas 970 views

THE Department of Justice has ordered government prosecutors to actively participate in the case build-up for certain offenses, specifically heinous and despicable crimes.

Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla directed prosecutors to ensure the existence of a prima facie case and reasonable certainty of conviction based on documentary and testimonial evidence.

The directive applies to crimes such as piracy, bribery, murder, kidnapping, and rape, among others.

The circular also requires all heads to ensure that prosecutors under their offices are available to coordinate and cooperate with law enforcement agencies and provide legal guidance in planned operations.

Remulla previously suggested that prosecutors require a reasonable certainty of conviction instead of probable cause before filing criminal cases.

The DOJ aims to increase the degree of proof needed for the filing of high-quality cases, emphasizing the need to narrow the gap between probable cause and proof beyond reasonable doubt.