
SHOCKING Dogman / Upright Canine Eyewitness Reports!

August 3, 2022 People's Tonight 333 views

Canine1Very interesting Dogman / upright canine encounters that are described by eyewitnesses first-hand. These incidents occurred in Louisiana, Ontario, and Quebec.

“I’ve had an experience in Cannington, Ontario that I believe relates to this topic of Dogmen. One night, I was driving home, heading towards town on the road they lived on. As I came down a small hill into a slight valley I saw two animals running on the gravel shoulder of the road. At first glance I assumed them to be a pair of Great Pyrenees farm dogs that had gotten loose, purely based on the size. As I got closer to them, from the rear, it became clear from their colouration and body shape that my original assumption was wrong. At the time was I driving a ‘97 GMC Sierra, and as I became parallel with the animals, both of their heads and the tops of their backs were clearly taller than the bottom of the passenger side window.

They were both identical from my perspective. However, one of them turned its head to glance over at the truck before turning on a dime and making a break straight through the soy field on the right side of the road. The other followed before I could blink. It wasn’t until after they had broke off from my direction of travel that I thought to check my speed. I was going 90km/h and both of them kept pace with ease.

When I tell this story, I usually simplify it by saying that I saw two huge wolves on the road. But honestly? I’ve lived in a town with a population of wolves as well as a wolf sanctuary, even seen one on my street one evening. The animals that I saw that night on the road in Cannington would have towered over any of the wolves I’ve seen anywhere else in Ontario.” TC


“We had been driving down an lonely empty side road without streetlights in eastern Quebec 2005. It was 8 PM or so and we drove in the pouring rain. The entire time there was only 1 other car roughly 50 feet in front of us during the whole ride it seemed.

I had been sitting in the middle back seat when the car in front suddenly hit his brakes causing his bright red brake lights to shine, grabbing all our attention. I had expected to see a downed tree or a dead deer in the road. But no. The car in front swerved to the right, causing us to swerve left. In the headlights stood a huge werewolf / dogman, cynocephali, or whatever name you choose to call such a thing. I had a great view from the front, then a close up as it past us on the right side of the the car. I will NEVER forget the size of it. Just so MASSIVE in size and oddly looked totally jacked. It had to somewhat bend over to look into the car! It being such a huge size, it couldn’t be anything else! It was the most insane thing I’ve ever witnessed to. I will never forget what it looked like. It had a very dark fur pointy ears like a German Shepard. I didn’t see its tail. Its chest was ridiculously large. Source: YT Comment, Sunny Profit


“I’ve seen a Dogman. It was in Louisiana, just outside of a very small village named Duberly. I was 17-years-old and a part of a hunting party. I was about 30 meters away from a fence line that housed a herd of teamed and farm-bred deer. I was sitting next to a salt tree stump waiting for my grandfather to come back with discards from the previous deer we had hunted. Not all of the farmed deer, but a wild deer he had previously shot. I was on a highline known as the boneyard. It’s where we always discarded animal entrails that are of little use to us.

I saw a creature’s leg, then shoulder, that had the snout of a dog. It was about 7-feet tall. It made no noise and it noticed me. Its eyes met mine. It then darted away. This thing looked straight into my eyes. It looked like it knew I wasn’t supposed to see, it but did. It backed up and disappeared into the foliage. Weirdest thing ever. Never knew about these things or thought they existed. I still remember the sun shimmering on its smooth pelt. Could see it’s muscle through the thinner spots.” KM

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