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No eyewitnesses from Degamo slay suspects

April 25, 2023 Hector Lawas 176 views

THE prosecution currently has no intention of making any of the 10 suspects in the killing of provincial governor Roel Degamo a state witness, according to lawyer Levi Baligod, the private counsel of Pamplona town Mayor Janice Degamo.

Baligod expressed confidence that the available evidence is sufficient to convict those behind the sensational daylight killing without utilizing any state witness.

“As it is, the evidence is already sufficient to successfully prosecute all of them without any of them becoming a state witness. We do not have any plans to use any of them as state witnesses. We can still prove the crimes charged based on the evidence available. As of now, we don’t need any of them to become a state witness,” Baligod said over CNN Philippines.

The DOJ resumed on Monday preliminary investigation into the murder of Degamo and collateral deaths of eight civilians last March 4.

During the probe, four of the 10 suspects who surrendered appeared before the DOJ and waived their right to file counter-affidavits.

According to Baligod, the DOJ will indict the four suspects following their waiver to submit counter-affidavits.

Previously, government prosecutors have indicted six persons before regular courts, tagged in the murder of Degamo.

This was after probable cause was established against them during inquest proceedings. They will be charged with nine counts of murder in relation to the deaths of Degamo and eight other persons.

The six suspects will also face 13 counts of frustrated murder and three counts of attempted murder.

The assassination of Degamo and the killing of other victims occurred while he was meeting with beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program at his residence in Pamplona town.

Degamo won the fiercely contested gubernatorial race in his province, and his assassination occurred just 19 days after the Supreme Court declared him the winner.