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Mudslinging on ‘Peoples Champ’ will backfire

July 6, 2021 Mario Fetalino Jr. 466 views

Mario FetalinoPOLITICAL detractors of Sen. Manny Pacquiao are making a big mistake in throwing mud at the ‘peoples champ’.

All the demolition jobs unleashed against Pacquiao – currently a world boxing legend and a presidentiable in Philippine politics – will simply backfire.

Manny has brought pride and glory for millions of Filipinos during his victorious fights inside the ring and has not figured in any humiliating controversy while performing his job as senator.

People still love Manny because he hasn’t changed as a triumphant sportsman who fights for his countrymen.

Despite his riches, Manny is still the humble and helpful hero of poor Filipinos who admire him so much because of his love and respect for mommy Dionisia.

Nothing could make Pinoys hate a champ who is expected to deliver another rousing win over his opponent in a big fight next month.

Other presidentiables will be in serious trouble when Manny defeats his challenger.

It’s no surprise if they’re betting on Spence.


A high performing policymaker in Quezon City called on authorities to use unspent COVID-19 funds for hiring more vaccinators.

This will boost the number of personnel delivering the jabs and keep their performances at par with safety standards, according to District 5 Councilor Karl Castelo.

Based on data released by the Department of Budget, more than P168 billion in COVID-related funds remained unused by various state agencies.

“If the government has such funds available for spending, we might as well utilize them for the more pressing needs of our vaccination sites,” Castelo said.

“What they badly need at the moment are additional medical frontliners led by vaccinators who are very few in numbers,” he added.

Castelo noted each inoculation site usually has only five vaccinators at most to deliver the jabs to more than 500 people.

“So we’re talking about one vaccinator for 100 jabs which is not a very good ratio. I suspect any hand could already be trembling after injecting the 50th dose,” he explained.

Castelo’s proposal came amid isolated incidents of ‘miss jabs’ in inoculation sites where the doses were accidentally not injected by overworked vaccinators.

“They (vaccinators) are people like us who have limitations. Our quality of our performance diminishes when those limitations are exceeded,” he said.

He junked baseless accusations that corruption is behind the unfortunate incidents as they are not helpful for the national vaccination program and the embattled frontliners.

“Our frontliners don’t need more stress. What they need is more support. More vaccinators will hasten the delivery of jabs properly and safely,” Castelo said.


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