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House okays bill on pension for all seniors

May 23, 2024 Jester P. Manalastas 97 views

WITH only two days left before Congress adjourns, bills on promoting the welfare of senior citizens have been approved on third and final reading in the House of Representatives.

The most popular bill among seniors is House Bill 10423 or the Universal Social Pension Bill which provides a basic social pension program for all Filipino senior citizens.

First filed by United Senior Citizens Party-list Rep. Milagros Aquino-Magsaysay in November 2022, the bill titled “An Act Granting Universal Social Pension to Senior Citizens,” seeks to provide financial assistance to all elderly Filipinos, helping them meet their daily nutritional and medical expenses.

This bill is a significant step towards ensuring the health and well-being of not just some, but ALL of our senior citizens.

Key provisions of the bill include a non-contributory monthly stipend for senior citizens, amounting to P1,000 for indigent senior citizens who are currently receiving social pension, and an initial amount of P500 for all senior citizens who are not currently included in the list of social pension beneficiaries, which increases to P1,000) within five years, in increments of P100) per year.

Once enacted into law, it also gives the senior citizens the right to waive benefits or opt out of the Universal Social Pension program, and sets up a review mechanism for the pension program for potential adjustments to account for inflation and other economic factors.