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Pangasinan cops apologize for strong presence in elementary school

November 17, 2021 Alfred P. Dalizon 232 views

THE Police Regional Office 1 leadership headed by Brig. Gen. Emmanuel Peralta yesterday apologized to the Department of Education for the apparent “over-reaction” by some members of the Alaminos City Police Station who were seen armed with automatic rifles while guarding a local elementary school.

In a report to Philippine National Police chief Gen. Dionardo Carlos, the PRO1 director said that members of the Alaminos City police were deployed to the Longos Central Elementary School in Bgy. Pangabisan last Monday upon the request of school officials to secure the first day of the pilot testing of face-to-face classes in their area.

It turned out that the school officials requested the local police’s assistance in ensuring that minimum public health standards, specifically the wearing of face masks and face shields, and observance of physical distancing, will be observed in the area as they continue their effort to help prevent the further spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus.

Peralta explained that the officer-in-charge of the Alaminos City police , Maj. Reinwexk Alamay, promptly acted on the local school officials’ request by sending his men in the area.

The local policemen were augmented by members of the 1st Pangasinan Provincial Mobile Force Company and EOD-K9 to provide assistance and security in the school premises.

“The police units only had pure good intention in acting on the request of school officials,” said Peralta.

Peralta likewise emphasized that they will always act according to their mandate of promoting nation-building among their stakeholders, including members of the teaching community.

However, he added that it was just unfortunate that some persons may have felt intimidated by the presence of the armed PNP men in uniform.

Peralta said he has ordered an investigation to determine possible lapses in the security deployment.

Moreover, he said that he has issued a memorandum reminding all PRO1 chiefs of police and mobile force commanders of the guidelines and protocols they must observe when visiting or securing school premises under the DepEd’s National Framework on Learners and Schools.