Dr. Tony Leachon

Statement of Dr. Tony Leachon Senate Hearing on MLM and pyramid scheme

May 4, 2024 Dr. Tony Leachon 147 views

HONORABLE members of the Senate, esteemed colleagues, and fellow advocates for health, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

My name is Dr. Anthony C. Leachon. I come before you today not only as a physician but as an independent advocate for health reform, propelled by a profound sense of duty to address a crisis that threatens the core of our medical profession. We are gathered here under the weight of serious allegations- allegatons that suggest a fundamental betrayal of the trust that the Filipino people place in their healthcare providers and their patients.

The issue at hand is not merely one of individual misconduct; it is a systemic problem that erodes the foundational values of our fragile healthcare system. These allegations imply that certain interactions between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry have been compromised, not by medical necessity but by financial incentives. This hearing is our opportunity, our obligation, to unearth the truth behind these claims. It is our duty to ensure that such breaches of trust are exposed and addressed with the utmost severity and sense of urgency.

In light of the 2019 Code of Ethics of the Medical Profession, we are reminded of the principles that should govern our conduct.

Section 9.2, Ethical and Professional Conduct, explicitly states that physicians must not take advantage of the health product industry, nor should they allow themselves to be exploited in this relationship. It is clear that the physician should not solicit favors from biopharmaceutical and medical device companies for personal interest or gain.

Imagine the plight of an unsuspecting patient—vulnerable, seeking comfort and healing—only to be exploited for profit. Picture a poor family, grappling with chronic illness, whose suffering is compounded by the revelation that their trusted physician valued money over health. Such scenarios are not just unethical; they are inhumane. They shake the very trust upon which the doctor-patient relationship is built, a trust that is essential for effective medical treatment and patient well-being.

Today, we ask our Honorable Senators that the deliberations be guided by both the weight of our responsibility and the depth of our empathy. As we examine the pieces of evidence and listen to testimonies, let us remember the faces behind the facts: the patients whose lives and health have been jeopardized by these alleged unethical practices purportedly committed by a few pharmaceutical companies.

Our response must be robust and unyielding, for anything less would not only fail those affected but would also tarnish the integrity of our entire medical community.

As per our Code of Ethics, physicians should exercise sound judgment, self- restraint, and discipline when participating in activities organized by biopharmaceutical and medical device companies that may be misconstrued as influencing their prescribing practices. Moreover, physicians such as ourselves are prohibited to participate in any marketing strategies, including engaging in multi-level marketing schemes, using special prescription pads, profiting from rebates, and collecting commissions.

As we confront these disturbing allegations, we must also consider their broader implications. Each instance of misconduct not only harms individual patients but also damages public confidence in our healthcare system. This crisis of trust, if not addressed, could have lasting repercussions, deterring individuals from seeking necessary medical care and dissuading bright minds from entering the already tired and depleted medical profession brought about by the migration of healthcare workers who seek greener pastures.

The emotional and psychological impact on patients and their families cannot be overstated. When trust is broken, the effects are profound and far- reaching. Healing becomes not just a physical challenge but an emotional ordeal. Patients may feel betrayed and skeptical, questioning every medical decision and recommendation. This atmosphere of doubt can hinder effective treatment and recovery, creating additional barriers to health.

In our pursuit of justice, let us also champion the cause of reform. We urge our Honorable Senators to pass legislation to enforce stricter regulations and oversight concerning interactions between healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry. Transparency must be non-negotiable; every financial relationship and conflict of interest should be openly disclosed to maintain the integrity of clinical decisions.

Moreover, we must advocate for stronger protections for our patients. This includes establishing clearer guidelines for ethical behavior and creating robust mechanisms for reporting and addressing misconduct. We need to foster an environment where ethical practices are celebrated and where deviations from these standards are promptly and effectively addressed.

As we move forward from this hearing, let our actions reflect our dedication to upholding the highest standards of medical ethics. Let us not only rectify the wrongs that have been reported but also work diligently to prevent future breaches. Let us reinforce the trust that is essential for the doctor-patient relationship and crucial for effective healthcare.

In conclusion, I call on each of you to reflect on the sacred responsibility we bear to those we serve. Let us resolve to restore dignity and trust to our healthcare system. Let us ensure that every Filipino has access to care that is not only effective but also ethical.

Together, let us rise to meet this challenge, embodying the change we wish to see in our profession.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak on this critical issue, and thank you for your commitment to a healthier, more ethical future for all Filipinos.

Together, let us heal, let us restore, and let us advance with renewed integrity and commitment to the well-being of every person we have the privilege to serve.

Anthony C. Leachon, M. D.

Independent Health Reform Advocate

Past President ,
Philippine College of Physicians

Department of Internal Medicine
Manila Doctors Hospital