
BI sees 40K departures after New Year

December 29, 2023 Jun I. Legaspi 261 views

THE Bureau of Immigration (BI) said it projects the daily departures will stabilize to 40,000 a day after the New Year.

BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco said arrivals remain high after Christmas, hitting as high as 57,000 arrivals in a day.

The BI also processed around 30,000 departures a day post-Christmas.

This brings the total arrivals to 1.48 million and total departures to 750,000 for December.

“We project that the numbers will change after the New Year when overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and former Filipinos who came home for the holidays go back to their work and residence abroad,” said Tansingco.

He reported that so far, no major incidents or concerns have been noted during their operations during the peak season.

“We hope the smooth operations continue until the new year when most of those who celebrated Christmas here go back home,” he stated.