
PNP conducts simultaneous checkpoints as election period starts

August 29, 2023 Bernard Galang 196 views

CAMP OLIVAS, City of San Fernando, Pampanga — The Police Regional Office 3 launched simultaneous checkpoint operations to intensify election security operations for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (BSKE) elections.

Police Regional Office 3 Director Brig. Gen. Jose Hidalgo Jr. said 146 checkpoints were established, with nearly 1,200 police personnel deployed midnight yesterday for police interdiction operations and gun ban violators, as the nationwide Comelec-imposed gun ban marked its first day.

Hidalgo urged the public to cooperate with authorities at checkpoints and reiterated his assurance that police personnel will observe policies and procedures, and will uphold their basic rights.

At checkpoints, motorists are advised to slow down; dim their headlights, and turn on their cabin lights and answer promptly if asked by police authorities.

“I have also reminded our personnel to be courteous to motorists and to adhere to general guidelines prescribed in our Revised Police Operational Procedures,” Hidalgo said.

Also at a checkpoint in Bataan, two individuals were apprehended.

A man was arrested in Morong town in possession of an improvised handgun, two 12-gauge shotgun rounds, and five transparent sachets of shabu.

Another individual was nabbed in the municipality of Hermosa for carrying a cal. .38 gun loaded with four live bullets.

The carrying of firearms, other deadly weapons and explosives, as well as its transportation, is strictly prohibited from the start of the election period from August 28 until its end on November 29.

Stricter penalties ranging from one year to 12 years imprisonment will be meted to all violators.