
A landmark victory

July 13, 2021 People's Tonight 412 views

FIVE years ago yesterday, the Philippine government scored a “landmark victory” in the case it initiated against China in the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

The ruling by the arbitration court in the Hague, The Netherlands rejected Beijing’s sweeping territorial claims in the natural resource-rich South China Sea (SCS).

Several countries, including the United States, Australia, Japan and European Union countries, like Germany, have reaffirmed their support for the arbitral decision.

The historic case against China, the world’s most populous country, was filed by the administration of the late President Benigno S. “Noynoy” Aquino III in 2013.

But to complete the victory, the “hard-won battle” must be pursued with vigor and determination by the authorities since Beijing refuses to recognize the ruling.

In fact, many quarters, particularly our countrymen who depend on the fishing industry for their cash and livelihood, want China to respect and abide by the decision.

Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson, chair of the Senate committee on national defense, said much remains to be done amid China’s increasing presence in the Southeast Asian region.

Lacson noted that “we may have done very little in stemming the tide of an increasing Chinese footprint into the ASEAN region’s foreign policy, economy and security.”

He said the Philippines has yet to come up with a comprehensive pro-Filipino foreign policy to complete the victory we achieved five years ago in The Netherlands.

Filipinos, he said, are committed to a peaceful South China Sea, where nations follow the rule of law.