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People Are Sharing Stories Of Paranormal Experiences They Cannot Explain And It Is Unsettling

March 29, 2023 People's Tonight 1308 views

Erin Maxwell

From phantom knocking in the middle of the woods to late night visits from deceased loved ones, people are sharing paranormal experiences and spooky ghost stories that will put a chill down your spine. Vote up stories that give you the shivers.


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A Warning

Posted by u/ThatOneFamiliarPlate:

Several years ago I had a recurring dream about burning alive in a hotel.

It was so realistic. I could feel the pain and hear screams. Each dream would be more and more detailed than the last dream. I could make out the exact details of the building.

When we went on vacation, we stopped in a small city and looked for a hotel…and we stopped at the exact hotel in my dream. I just froze and repeatedly asked if we could go to a different hotel. After pestering my parents about it, we went somewhere else.

It burned down the night we were supposed to stay there and killed 14 people.

• Scary?

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‘I Wasn’t Home Last Night’

Posted by u/Pugnator48:

My brother’s bedroom was next door to mine growing up. One afternoon, he asked me what I was doing the previous night that made me laugh so much. Confused, I pressed him for details.

“About 3am last night, your laughter woke me up. It sounded like you were pacing your room, too. Pacing and laughing.”

At this point I told him that I wasn’t home last night. I’d been at a friend’s house. He went pale.

To this day he swears blind that it was my laugh. I have a very distinct laugh, apparently.

• Scary?

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Pranked From Beyond

Posted by u/bobcatfisher:

I used to work night shift in group homes for the mentally disabled (or severely mentally ill). At one house I worked at there was constant scratching coming from the walls. I figured it was just squirrels but now I’m not too sure. We had set a lot of traps and never caught anything.

But this isn’t what made me a believer.

What happened was one night I was watching TV in the living room after all the residents had fallen asleep. Around 3 am the doorbell starts ringing like someone is frantically pushing it. I get up and go to the door but when I got there and opened it nobody was there.

Now the three things you need to know about the entry way:

First is that the entry is into the living room and I can see it from the couch.

Second is that the front door has a very large window on it 2/3 of the door is window.

And lastly, that the walkway to the front doorknob a 20-30 ft corridor that has 12 ft brick wall on either side. So in order to ding dong ditch you’d have to run back that entire length to be able to duck around a corner.

I figured I was being pranked by one of our more mischievous residents so I went and checked on them all and they were all fast asleep, as soon as I finished shutting the last residents door the doorbell started frantically ringing again. I rushed to the door again only to find nobody there.

This time I was determined to catch them so I turned all the lights off except the TV and hid right beside the door so I’d be able to immediately open it when they came back. After 20 minutes the doorbell started going insane again, I jumped out and quickly turned on the walkway lights and looked out the window but nobody was there, I then opened the door thinking maybe they were hiding to the side of the door like I had.

After seeing nobody there, my stomach dropped and I got a feeling of dread, I slowly started closing the door, as soon as the door was almost closed all the way the doorbell started going nuts again and stayed that way for at least 15 minutes before stopping again. It was almost as if whatever it was took great pleasure in mocking and taunting me. I locked the door and ran my a** to the couch after turning on all the lights I could. Another disturbing thing about this is it seemed to read my mind, whenever I got the urge to go outside and smoke it would start with the doorbell again, it’s like it didn’t want me to forget it’s there and a threat.

Looking back I’m pretty sure it was a poltergeist. That place was rife with bad energy as most group homes are, a lot of suffering and raw emotions happen at those places. It also didn’t help we had a resident there who had literally gone insane after watching his parents get murdered in front of him and a medium-low functioning schizophrenic with what I’ve confirmed of at least 8 distinct “people” talking to him in his head. Both of these resident are constantly having [stuff] knocked off their shelves/walls in the middle of the night and it’s super common for them to be yelling at people that aren’t there to shut up in the middle of the night.

I used to think it was just mental illness but now I’m not too sure.

• Scary?

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‘The People Over Your Shoulder…’

Posted by u/Pork_9:

Camping at a friend’s family property with a group of friends. They had a huge dingy shop full of old tools and furniture that was super creepy. Dirt floor and clown paintings in the loft (not even kidding).

We stayed up late drinking by the fire and I was the last one awake. Went to go pee on the side of the shop and stood about five feet away looking inside through the window. There was a florescent light on and I noticed what looked like a piece of paper or dollar kind of floating around. I thought it was a moth at first but it was moving in a very flowing figure 8 pattern that was very rhythmic. It reminded me of dangling a carrot. I watched it for maybe 20 seconds, which felt like forever. Then it quickly floated back to the corner of the shop where it was dark. There was also a wood chair near the corner that added to the creepiness. Could have been a moth though…

I sat back down by the fire to finish my beer and have a smoke. No one else was awake so I played on my phone for a while. I noticed my friend Mark pop out of his tent to pee, then go back in to go to sleep. I decided sleep sounded good, so I went to my tent and feel asleep.

The next morning, we were having breakfast and Mark said, “I saw you guys sitting by the fire super late. How late did you stay up?”

I told him probably 2 or 3 am. Then he said, “Who was up with you?” I told him I was the last man standing. He said, “I got up to pee and saw you on your phone and two people over your shoulder watching you play.”

He said one person looked bigger so he thought it was one of our friends, who was a bigger dude. He said the other person was taller and skinny, but none of us are noticeably tall or skinny.

[It] freaked me out! We still camp at that property once a year, but I don’t go in the shop and I go to sleep whenever my wife decides she’s tired.

• Scary?

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‘You Hear Her Too?’

Posted by u/human-foie-gras:

The house I grew up in was haunted. The way it was laid out I could see from my bedroom down the hall and into the living room, my parents bedroom door was on the other side of the living room directly across from my door. Late at night I would hear someone pacing circles in the living room but I was the only one awake in the house and we didn’t have pets.

I never said anything because I didn’t want the family to think I was nuts. Eventually I moved out and went to college. After I graduated I was in a rough spot financially. My parents had bought a new house, the old one was still empty (they were considering getting renters) and offered it to me to stay in for a while. I said no I didn’t want to move in, Mom asked why. I finally gave in and told her I thought there was a ghost.

My mom FROZE and turned to look at me and was like you hear her too

Turns out she had also heard it for years and didn’t say anything for the same reason.

• Scary?

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The Old Miner

Posted by u/vickt:

When I was like 14, I was with a friend riding mountain bikes way out in the woods. We decided to turn back and go home for the day. We must have been 2 miles from any houses. Walking up the hill we just rode down was this old guy with miner clothes from the 1800s carrying a bucket. He was walking up the hill with his back towards us, he was only for a few seconds and then he disappeared.

We were both silent when I said “I thought I saw something.” He goes, “Yeah, me too.” He perfectly described the guy.

We got out of there very quick.

This was in northern AZ where they used to gold mine, there was even this old miners cabin about a mile from us.

• Scary?

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Knock Knock

Posted by u/yetiorange:

A few years back some friends and I were driving on some backroads in a patch of woods believed to be haunted. One of my friends was getting bored so he rolled down his window and shouted “Make something happen” (or something along those lines).

About five seconds after he rolls up the window, there is a strong, seemingly too well timed to be natural knock on the window closest to me.

We’ve seen some weird sh*t in those woods, but nothing that couldn’t be explained by shadows or animals. There is no explanation for that knock. Nothing was thrown at the car, we weren’t moving, it sounded the way a knock made by a human hand sounds, etc.

Later on, we heard a very feminine shriek in those woods with no explanation.

• Scary?

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Bad Bathroom Energy

Posted by u/a**asameal:

I had just started a new job. The building I worked in was really old, definitely pre-war. I had to stay a bit later than I normally would to get something done, and by the time I was packing up to leave, my floor was pretty empty. I needed to use the restroom before I left, so I walked over there, and as I approached the door I saw someone else open the door and go in. I remember vividly that they were wearing a pink shirt and khakis, because that’s what I was wearing, too. I was also mildly annoyed, because I don’t like being in the bathroom when someone else is in there.

After deciding I still definitely needed to pee before the commute home, I entered the bathroom. But when I got in, it was completely empty. I don’t know how to describe the energy in the room, but it was very tense. Completely silent. I remember being able to hear my heartbeat.

After standing completely frozen for what felt like 10 minutes (it was probably like 15 seconds), I turned right around and left.

I had nightmares about that bathroom for weeks. It seems so simple and uninteresting compared to a lot of other peoples stories here, but it really shook me. There was something definitely off about the whole thing.

• Scary?