
Nuclear energy

May 23, 2024 People's Tonight 85 views

ADMITTEDLY, a number of foreign investors want to relocate to other countries because of the high cost of electricity in the Philippines.

Aware of this, the government, through concerned agencies, continues to address the problem, which also adversely affects local businesses.

Thus, it is certainly heartening to know that the Philippines and United States (US) have agreed to train Filipino workers on nuclear energy.

Under the deal, the Department of Energy and the Philippine-American Educational Foundation will offer scholarships and exchange programs for Pinoys to learn nuclear power and renewable energy.

“This will help the Philippines develop the skilled workfore needed to build a clean energy infrastructure,” said Daniel Kritenbrink, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Energy Secretary Raphael Lotilla, on the other hand, said the training would ensure that ountry “has the human resources that are needed” for the sector.

Specifically, the Filipinos will be trained on how to build and operate nuclear power plants as the country seeks to boost its electricity supply.

Last November, the two nations struck a nuclear cooperation accord that cleared a path for US investment to jumpstart atomic power in the country.

Studies and reports said that nuclear energy is generally considered to be the safest and most efficient energy source.

It is not only inexpensive,but it is also affordable even in Third World nations, including impoverishd Philippines.