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Gov’t allows dine-in, salons under MECQ

April 30, 2021 People's Journal 348 views

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 29) — Restaurants are now allowed to hold indoor dining operations but at 10% seating capacity, while personal care services such as beauty salons and barbershops can reopen at 30% capacity, the Palace announced on Thursday.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said the Inter-Agency Task Force approved recommendations to permit restaurants, eateries, and other food preparation establishments to resume dine-in services under the modified enhanced community quarantine. The previous regulation only allowed outdoor or al fresco dining, as well as takeout and delivery.

However, restaurants also have the option to operate beyond the 10% capacity if they comply with “the Safety Seal Certification Program.”

Roque said the IATF also allowed beauty parlors, barbershops, and nail spas to return to operations with an initial 30% capacity in MECQ areas. But they can only provide services that will let customers continue wearing their face masks at all times, he added.

The personal care establishments were also given the same option to operate beyond limited capacity if they comply with the Safety Seal Program. By CNN Philippines Staff